There was a group of four men whose work was very impressive., Paval Janak, Josef Gocar, Josef Cholcol and Vlastislav Hofman, were designers who trained with Otto Wagner(architect/designer) and Jan Kotera (his student)in the ateliers of the Vienna Secessionists. These men worked to incorporate angled planes into architecture and everyday objects. They felt that these angled planes were much more dynamic than horizontal and vertical planes and expressed the internal energy of the object or building. Prague's wealthy society were very open to avant garde trends and ideas and financed these young men's Cubist development. They created everything from cups and sauceers, furniture to apartment complexes built according to the theoretical framework of Cubism.
Some of these buildings and articles survive to the present day.
Examples :

Some architectural details - notice the planes and angles on the sides of the building and fronts of balconies and rooftops

This is the staircase in The House of the Black Madonna in Prague. The Czech Cubist |Museum is in this building.

A Cabinet by Josef Gocar

A Chandelier by Josef Gocar

A chair by Vlastislav Hoffman

A chair by Paval Janak

I liked the photos of cubist chairs and chandelier. Haven't seen those anywhere on the web. I also have a blog about cubism. Feel free to visit it.